The legal orders sent to Twitter are part of a larger crackdown on porn in Germany. Under German law, regulators say, Twitter accounts posting pornographic content should not be accessible as there are no age-checks in place to make sure that people viewing them are over the age of 18. As Twitter doesn’t have an age-verification system in place, it has responded to legal demands by outright blocking the accounts for anyone in Germany. One pornographic account displaying this message has more than 700,000 followers. The nationwide block of certain profiles in Germany is a rare example of a major social media platform bowing to regulatory pressure to make it harder for children to view porn online.Īnyone trying to view one of the blocked accounts in Germany sees a message saying it has been “withheld” in Germany “in response to a legal demand.” The exact number of accounts blocked in this way is unknown. The move comes in response to a series of legal orders by German regulators that have ruled that online pornography should not be visible to children and must be hidden behind age-verification systems. Twitter has been blocking the profiles of adult content creators in Germany since late 2020, with at least 60 accounts affected to date.